KROMAGNON is a sustainable and eco-friendly high street label featuring both menswear and womenswear. KROMAGNON's mission is to prove that sustainable and eco-friendly clothing can be trendy, fashionable and amazing. KROMAGNON debuted on the runway at New York Fashion Week in February of 2016 and has subsequently shown at Seattle Eco Fashion Week in November 2016. We source earth friendly materials that are renewable, organic, natural and biodegradable. Most of the fabrics we use are hemp blends with other sustainable fibers such as tencel, peace silks, organic cotton, and recycled water bottles (PET). The yarns we use in our sweaters are natural yarn made from virgin wool that have not been dyed or treated with harsh chemicals. We work with global artisans for hand crafted fabrics and prints that use only natural or low impact dyes. Some of our prints are done with bleach in a color reductive process while others use natural dyes and pigments such as indigo, rubia, and copper to create luminous color effects. We prefer to use buttons and trims that are made of cotton, paper, corozo nut, wood, coconut, and other biodegradable materials. Our clothes are ethically and locally produced in New York City.